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Visitor Attractions

We're slightly wary when it comes to man-built tourist attractions in London. After all, there are so many real sights that we prefer to concentrate on those. However, 'The London Dungeon' 'The London Eye' and 'Madame Tussaud's' are big crowd pullers. Vinopolis wine museum has just entered the top ten despite dreadful reviews. A lot of money is spent on promoting tourism in London and it's difficult to find an objective source of information (which is what this website is about). Don't rely on leaflets or brochures produced by the attractions for anything but opening times, admission prices etc. and do always get a second opinion.

It's worth booking or getting tickets in advance for any major attractions - including The Tower of London - which will save you a lot of time - sometimes the queues can take hours - you can usually book online by following the links below. Tourist offices sell tickets - for example the Southwark Tourist office on the southern tip of London Bridge sells tickets for the London Dungeon (200 metres away) which enables you to avoid the queue from the Dungeon itself that sometimes reaches as far as the tourist office front door. Tourist offices Tube stations sell combined tickets for travel and admission.We include some museums here, those that have 'events' or 'experiences' - reconstructions rather than real artifacts, or have artifacts presented in new and original ways. Most of the places featured on this page are seen from an adult perspective, visit our Kids page as well if you're bringing the family.

Golden Jubilee: 2002 is the Queen's Golden Jubilee - the tours of Buckingham Palace have improved slightly, the Queens Gallery re-opens, four times the size and there are events all over the country including the opening of buildings that are usually closed to visitors.

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